Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Is a Treadmill Run Equivalent to an Outdoor Run?

Today was a barefoot running day.  I usually do these after work because, frankly, they don't take that long.  However, I felt a need to start running in the mornings, because 1) my race is going to be in the morning and 2) when the traditional runs get longer, I won't be able to do them after work.  I got up ridiculously early, hopped on the treadmill, and away I went.  But not really...I ran, but in the same place at the same pace.  I began to wonder if the workouts are compatible.  Surely it must be easier to run on a treadmill, you're not actually moving your body weight forward after all.  Plus, an outdoor run involves a variety of surfaces and inclines, so that has to be a better work out right?  Here's the million dollar question, if I train on a treadmill am I not going to be ready for my half marathon?

Image Source:  Runners Connect blog

The good news is that someone else has already thought of this and done the research. According to a 1996 UK study there is a difference in the energy expended, that includes the body weight momentum I mentioned and wind resistance, which I didn't think of at all! The study concluded that the difference between the two running workouts could be compensated for by running on a treadmill with a 1% incline.  That's actually great news, because I've been running with a 2% incline.  I will eventually move my runs to the great outdoors, and when I do, I will feel more certain that I didn't cheat myself by running indoors for so long.  One less thing to worry about, and one workout closer to the Half.

Barefoot Progress Report -
  • .25 mile walk
  • .75 mile run
  • .5 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 21'04"

Monday, January 28, 2013

1000 Page Views!!!

OK, probably not that monumental considering I've been blogging for almost nine months now, but still, I didn't think my kids would check the blog out that often! It's exciting, because it's a big number...kind of like 13.1 miles...sighhhh...

I love my friends.  I buy jewelry and candles and listen and write job references and cheer them on while they are singing or running.  Sounds supportive, but may have more to do with the fact that I can't say "no"!  I was there when Janice crossed the finish line of her very first marathon and am so proud that she's back into running and knocking out half marathons like they are runs around the block.  Yet, I never volunteered to join her...until she asked!  Couldn't think of any really good reason not to do it, her example is motivational, plus she's traveling from Pittsburgh to the in VA.  Honestly, how could I say "no"?  So, training for what I hope will be the first step toward to a full the as yet undetermined future.  We'll see how I feel AFTER the Half!

Half Marathon Training Progress Report -
  • .25 mile walk
  • 1.5 mile run (10'00 pace)
  • .25 mile walk
Total Distance - 2 miles
Total Time - 24'17"

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 2 or...What Have I Done?

Here's the new running twice a week and regular running three times a week.  The reality may look quite different as I move along...but I'm optimistic.  I'm also laughing at myself as I write this, because I always start new workout routines with good intentions and enthusiasm.  In theory, I'll be working in some ab classes too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I'm actually sort of curious about my weight, I'm at my goal weight and have been for a while.  In theory, I should lose a couple of pounds as I burn more calories, but I know I am going to be ridiculously hungry once I really get into this running routine.  That means I'll need portable snacks that meet my clean eating philosophy.  May have to do some research on that, because I don't think my favorite cheat treat - a McDonald's soft serve ice cream (without the cone) - is going to do the trick here.  A quick Google search turns up a few recipes that seem suspiciously high in calories...dates are essentially natural candy, people!  I'll revisit this topic later if I find something worth sharing.  For now, I'm putting one foot in front of the other and I'm on track for the Half.

Half Marathon Training Progress Report - 
  • .25 mile walk
  • 1 mile run (10 min pace)
  • .25 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 19'17"

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Half Marathon? But, I'm Not Ready!

My friend, Janice, texted me this morning to see if I was interested in running a Half Marathon with her.  Am I interested?  Yes!  Am I ready? Not even close.  At this point, I'm not even ready for a 5k least not barefoot.  

Hmmmmm, but what if I consider it cross training?  Increasing my cardio is a good thing, right?  Padded shoes work different muscle groups, so I wouldn't be likely to run into the same injuries as last summer.  If I keep my slow paced build up for the transition to minimalist running, I can see a barefoot 5k and 10k as realistic goals for 2013.  But what about this half marathon?  A full marathon has been on my Bucket list forever...and I'm not getting any younger...

Committing to this race with Janice is scary because a Half is 13.1 miles.  My longest run EVER was 8 miles.  For the last couple years, my max distance has been 1.5 miles, so clearly I have some work to do.  If I start training on Friday I could be more than ready for the Half in May, so why not?  Ambitious?  Yep.  Three runs a week means significantly adjusting my social schedule, but it would be fantastic just to be able to say I did it. Bragging rights are very important where I'm from!

So...I just registered and downloaded the training schedule you see below.  I'll have to modify it, but now I have a rough game plan.  No expectations on the time, it's just about completing the event.  I say that to keep the pressure off, but even as I type I know that's not exactly true.

I will run the Half in traditional shoes, following the example of other (better) runners who have moved between minimalist and padded running shoes as they make the transition to barefoot running.  Plus, I read somewhere that changing up your running technique during a longer race may actually be beneficial.  Gives your quads a break when you move to the forefoot strike, and gives your calves and arches a break when you move to the padded heel strike.

It's decided, today is Day One of my Half training...wish me luck!  Also, some prayers to stay injury free would be greatly appreciated!

Barefoot Progress Report -
  • .25 mile walk
  • .75 mile run
  • .5 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 21'06"

Half Marathon Training Progress Report -
  • Warmed up with Barefoot conditioning routine above
  • 1 mile run (10'04")
  • .25 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.25 miles
Total Time - 14'20

NOTE:  It takes waaaaay more effort to run in traditional sneakers!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Life Lessons

Stalkers...we all have them, right?  Honestly, I hope not.  Secret admirer - flattering. Someone you had to get a restraining order for who calls to say they're on a plane to your state - creepy.  Someone who you had arrested who emails monthly to say they have changed and want to be friends - obsessed.  Someone who is verbally abusive when you break your silence after a year and tell them to leave you alone - hateful.  Someone who contacts you two years after you broke up because they are sorry and need a "friend" to talk to - crazy.

The short version is this...this is not a situation restricted to poor or weak women. Anyone who tries to control what you do, what you say, who you hang out with, contacts your Ex to get dirt on you, and tries to turn your family against damaged and potentially dangerous.  Tell someone what has been going on and move on!  Even if you enabled that behavior, even when it only takes a short time to figure all that out, moving on is not always that easy.  The reality is once you get a little perspective from a safe distance, you'll know it's the right thing...and the only thing to do.

Moving On - Since my last post I have done the usual conditioning routine twice. Today, I added another quarter mile to my run.....oooooohhhh, ahhhhhhhh....I know, not earth shattering, but still, it's a babystep in the right direction.

Progress Report -
  • .25 mile walk
  • .75 mile run
  • .5 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 21'01"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Recipe on a Run Blog?

No running advice, news, or pictures today.  I'm mixing it up for my haters and on the advice of Jason Robillard.  Apparently I don't have exclusive rights to boring running blogs as you can read in his Barefoot Running University post.

Tonight, I offer this simple, yummy recipe.  This is was the result of my daughter sadly answering, "Chicken Parmesan" to the frequently asked question, "what do you want for dinner tonight?"  Her answer was sad, because even though that's what she wanted, she knew I wouldn't make it, because we're gluten free.  Really it's a modified Paleo eating plan...there's tons of blogs about that, so I won't go into it here.  But Chicken Parm is normally breaded and served with pasta...

I have to say, I'm a fan of the general parameters of the Paleo plan...sort of a back to basics approach.  If the cavemen didn't eat it, it's probably not for us.  No processed foods, no chemicals, no gluten.  It's a lifestyle choice that works for me.  I've lost weight (back to my high school weight actually!), increased my intake of fruits and vegetables, and my energy stays up all day...without coffee!  As in none, not even in the morning.

So, for my daughter, I created this Paleo-ish version of Chicken Parmesan.  It is a hit in our house, and I hope you like it.

Gluten Free Chicken Parmesan
One medium spaghetti squash 2.5 - 3.5 lbs
Extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and fresh ground pepper 
4 medium boneless skinless chicken breast
All natural Italian salad dressing
1-2 cups homemade or all natural store bought spaghetti sauce (keep it simple)
4 slices mozzarella cheese 

Pre-heat oven to 375-degrees.  Cut squash in half (long ways) and scoop out the loose insides and seeds.  Brush cut sides with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place cut side down on a baking sheet and roast for about 45 mins.  You should be able to put a fork through the rind side when it's done.  Take out and let cool.

While the squash is cooking, combine the chicken and a generous amount of Italian salad dressing in a gallon size Ziplock bag and let it marinate in the fridge.

When the squash is cool enough to handle with your hands, take a large fork and rake it through the flesh.  You will end up with spaghetti-like strands.  Continue until you have nothing left but the shells.  Set the "spaghetti" aside and keep warm.

In a small saucepan heat up the spaghetti sauce over low heat.

Heat about 2 Tbs of olive oil in a frying pan, over med-low heat.  Add marinated chicken breast and saute for about 5 mins on one side, flip and saute about 4 mins, add a slice of mozzarella and heat for an additional minute.  

Pile some squash on a plate, top with a little sauce, add chicken breast and another drizzle of sauce and enjoy!  Serves 4, takes about an hour, start to finish, and there will be plenty of squash to make this again later in the week!

Progress Report -
  • .25 mile walk
  • .5 mile run
  • .75 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 22'49"

Friday, January 11, 2013

Haters...Or Why Am I Blogging?

The only post that has generated any "discussion" has been the Basketball Wives Workout where I criticized the reality TV show.  I can't even begin to tell you how funny it is to receive negative comments from people who I can only assume are fans of that show.

I freely admit I am not a comedy writer, but I am living an amazing life.  I love my job because it makes the world a better place.  I have lived and traveled all over the U.S., Europe, the Former Soviet Union and Africa.  I have two fantastic kids who both got into their colleges of choice...ones that even people who watch reality TV would recognize. I myself am a graduate of two "name brand" colleges.  I am in a relationship with an amazing guy, and I currently live near one of the most interesting cities in the world...but I'm not blogging about any of that.

This blog is simply to document my personal transition from (fit) non-athlete to barefoot runner.  My hope is that other people might be encouraged to do the same, and benefit from reading the info provided and avoid my mistakes.  Every comment makes it more likely that right someone might stumble on to this blog and find it useful.

As for the "huge" jump in traffic to this blog...I can only say, I wish Honey Boo Boo hadn't been cancelled...I might have gotten some mileage out of that one.

Progress Report: (Only one workout this week)
  • .25 mile walk
  • .5 mile run
  • .75 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 22'51"

Disclaimer - This is me on Christmas Eve (my son is cropped out of the picture), not a supermodel, not a well known blogger, not anything but happy and living a great life.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Three Times This Week

Well since my last post anyway...about a week.  Nothing new to report, which is a good thing.  Easy runs, no post run issues in my calves, arches or achilles tendons.  Not feeling a post run tightness, which tells me I'm not challenging myself at all, but I'm still that's OK.  

Some of the issues I had last summer are mentioned in this Huffington Post article. Although I don't think I was running long enough to get tired and transition back to a heel strike, I do know that during the walking phases, I was hitting heel first, which without any padding naturally led to strain.

The lady in this picture was featured in a San Francisco Gate article last month...she's 61!  If she can be a barefoot runner...

Image Source:

Progress Report -
  • .25 mile walk
  • .5 mile run
  • .75 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - about 22'50