Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saturday and Sneakers

I have to energy has been over the top for the past few weeks...healthy eating, brisk weather, and new relationship - all a very good combo.  I highly recommend it, but it makes it very hard to keep on a slow training plan. Woke up, put on my sneakers (with socks this time), turned up the music and...walked on the treadmill.  Sigh...

Same routine:  Quarter mile walk; quarter mile run; mile walk.  I picked up the pace on the last walk, but not too much, because I want to avoid striking too hard on my heels.

On a high energy day, knowing full well this is not an actual "work out" it was so hard to restrict my run to the quarter mile...we're talking just a couple of minutes! Ridiculous!  In fact I'm going to stop calling these workouts, I'm going to call this phase "Conditioning" and see if that helps.  I really want to get back to this...

This shows not just the feeling, but the mechanics of a good run.  Check out the woman's upright posture.  She's coming down on her mid-foot and is wearing a much better looking version of the Brooks Pure Connect shoe.  Is it possible to envy a picture?  I definitely do right now, but taking it slow seems to be my mantra these days, and I'll do my best to stick to it.  Wish me luck!

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile 
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'42"

Thursday, November 22, 2012

First Day With The New Sneakers

Happy Thanksgiving anticipation of the calorie overload that will be the biggest part of this day, I decided to get my new running program started.  Woke up with an abundance of energy, so perfect day for a run.  Until I saw it was only 29-degrees outside.  Sigh...treadmill it is.

Since my last post, I have been doing 100 Ups and Toe exercises at random intervals. This morning I did my doctor-provided achilles and calf stretches and...walked.  A slow quarter mile, then I ran a brisk quarter mile on the balls of my feet...and then I walked for a mile.  Feels so very lame to do it like this, but am determined to go slowly to get this right.  In fact, I'm not going to track my run time at all, just the distance and overall time.  At least until I get to where speed is a consideration...maybe when I work up to a "barefoot" mile and a half.  We'll see.

As for my PureConnects - I ran without socks this time to get a feel for the shoe.  They are both snug and roomy in all the right places, but felt some spots across the top of my foot and on one heel heating up, so will try with thin socks next time.  These sneakers are light and minimally padded, and overall it was a good first experience.

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk - 1 mile
Total distance - 1.5 miles
Total time - 27'17 (I wasn't kidding about taking it slowly)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I'm Baaaaaacccccckkkk

Took a longer break than anticipated, but happy to report I have new running shoes, Brooks PureConnects.  They are a hideous neon yellow/green, but they have a flexible sole, minimal padding (4 mm), and a wide enough toe box to feel comfy, but not like my toes are shifting around.

Image Source:

I had my semiannual fitness test on Friday, I haven't run since August, because of the injury primarily, although I had wanted to re-start back in Oct.  My 1.5 mile run was fine, but it was in normal padded running shoes complete with a normal stride that included a heel strike.  I kept thinking the entire run that this was bad for my joints, and resolved to get back to the minimalist running plan.

  • 1.5 miles - 14'37 (9'45 per mile pace)

One of my problems with my last attempt was the dreaded TMTS.  I didn't feel like I was pushing too fast, but I had a targeted a 10k (6.2 miles) race and gave myself 5 months to get there from zero (I was walking 1 - 4.5 miles a couple times a week then).  As the race date got closer, I was less inclined to ease up when I clearly needed to do so.  I do have another fitness test in about 6 months, but because of my injury I haven't been running at all, and have been walking 1 - 2 miles once or twice a week.  So REALLY starting from zero this time.  IF I am up to 1.5 miles by the next test, I'll give it a shot in my Brooks, but if I'm not, will run that in traditional sneakers.  AND, I won't look for another race until I'm up to the 5k mark (3.1 miles) naturally.  See? No pressure, just...dare I say it? Babysteps...

Wish me luck, and please take a moment today to thank the men and women you know who serve, or have served in the military.  Because...