Monday, April 15, 2013

Tragedy at the Boston Marathon

As I write this the consensus is that two bombs exploded today near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.  So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the two dead and 22 injured.  I suppose we could be thankful that "only" two people were killed, but I doubt their families feel that way.
Image Source:

Whether this was an act by someone affiliated with al Qaida or another group or even domestic terrorism...what could possibly be the point of murdering innocent people? It's the country's oldest outdoor sporting event run by both elite athletes and regular people.  Shame on America because we love to run?

If there is a political message here, it is stupid, and I am not impressed.  Building bombs...not hard.  Placing bombs in a huge crowd out in a very public place...not hard. Being cowards...not hard.

Here are some examples of hard things - Creating positive change in the world. Standing up for your beliefs and changing people's minds with facts and reasoning. Raising a family that will contribute to society.  Being a role model for your community. Helping others.  Those acts are impressive and have impact and can change the world.

Terrorists are disgusting, sniveling, impotent cowards.  The men and women who helped the wounded and dying today - they are heroes and deserving of our respect and our nation's attention.  Not just the police and firefighters (but definitely including them), I'm talking about each and every person who lent a hand or moved some wreckage or just helped someone to the medical tent.  I'm thankful for them, and I celebrate them, and when I think back on this day, I will remember the heroes.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget HoneyStinger gels too! All organic. Packing some for my 11 miles this Saturday.
