Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas Madness

Another catch up post, but some useful info at the end, I promise!  I have run half a mile three times in the last two weeks.  Not as much as I had hoped, but using the holidays as a very poor, cooking, feasting, running around, blah, blah, blah.

My half mile runs feel the same as my quarter mile runs...ridiculously easy and too short...but will give myself until the end of January...increasing the frequency before I increase the distance again.  No foot issues so far, keeping my fingers crossed!

Progress Report -
  • .25 mile walk
  • .5 mile run
  • .75 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 22'51"

Found this Running Technique Tips blog today...this post talks about form and transitioning down from padded running shoes to minimalist shoes.  This graphic shows the need to let your body adjust to using your butt, hip, quad, calf muscles in a different way. "Free" refers to the Nike Free line of minimalist shoes.  The blue indicates the muscles that are engaged, and he's quads feel it when I run my fitness test in regular shoes, but never even get tight in my Brooks PureConnects or Vibram KSOs.

The blogger, Brian Martin is a runner who wrote about his running experience and coaches on technique.  He started on his journey as a regular guy who was trying to run better.  For the transition to minimalist running, he also recommends small easy jogs to condition those muscles to a better way to run.  So, I think I'm on to something...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Friday and Sunday

I ran today and Friday.  Same distance, roughly the same time and nothing too exciting about it.  What is exciting is increasing my run distance for the next session.  Hopefully Tuesday!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Basketball Wives Workout

I got up to work out again this a.m.  Instead of music, I encountered reality TV...  There's so much that could be said about the lack of class, or the playing up of the drama, or the way every single sentence contains choice words.  Who wants to watch the story of grown women who think that threatening to beat each other is a form of conflict resolution?  I have to say, I just found the whole thing sad, and am wondering if this is the modern day equivalent of the gladiator games before the Roman Empire began to die from within....ugh...too early for this.

Image Source:

So, I resolved to stick with the positive thinking and just be thankful for the many, many blessings and gifts I have in my life...Two wonderful, healthy, intelligent, loving teenagers, a relationship with a great guy, my health (no meds/conditions/issues and I'm about to turn 45!), a secure job that I enjoy for the work I do and the people with whom I work.  And...the ability to run or walk or dance or Zumba (I don't, but it looks fun) whenever the mood strikes me.  And I thank God for those gifts every day.

Today's conditioning program was the same as it has been for a couple of weeks now: stretch, walk/run/walk.  My calves were a little tight this a.m., but I attribute that to a day in higher than normal boots, still, I took time with my stretching.

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'43

Disclaimer/Final Thought - I know reality TV is semi-scripted to bring out the worst in people, but what does it say about our society that there are so many reality shows and they have enough viewers to keep them on the air???  Sigh...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Early Morning Workout

I have to say, getting out of a warm, comfy bed to run on a treadmill in a cold basement room, does not rate high on my list of Fun Things To Do. But it was a necessary evil, because I indulged in an alternate workout yesterday.  It's true, I slapped on some boots, pulled my hair back and...went shopping at the Mall.  I know, I know...two weeks before Christmas!  At a Mall!  What was I thinking!?!?  It wasn't quite this crowded, but it was definitely a complete bust as I walked out empty handed.  It took way too long, made me cranky and ate up my planned workout time.

Image Source:  The Gripe blog

Anyway, this morning's conditioning routine was the same. Walk/Run/ notice that I'm not complaining about my treadmill?  Still basking in positivity, which is in part due to the Christmas season, which, despite my Mall Fail, I love.

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'41"

Really excited about next week because I'm increasing the run to half a mile (keeping the over all distance the same)

Disclaimer - Spell check says "positivity" is not a word...but I say it is, or at least it should be!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I Love Saturday Mornings

Nothing on the agenda today...could have stayed in bed all day.  Sadly, that wasn't in the cards, and once I got moving I felt the urge to run.  Yes, I know, I'm not really running yet, but the urge is there and that is a very good thing.

After my conditioning routine, I considered changing my profile picture to one with my new minimalist shoes...but I really would like to get back to the Vibrams, so the profile pic stays as is.

But just to show you, I'm not lying about how ugly (in a cute way?) my shoes I am...

Progress Report -  
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'39 (smoother walk/run transitions, I guess...)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Rare Mid-Day Workout

Was home for lunch today, so decided to get a conditioning run in.  Nothing new, novel or exciting, but a chance to stay on track for a couple more runs this week.  Still basking in the positive attitude of last weekend's workout, I gave some thought to why I'm doing this.

Why Run?
  1. I have to job requires it of me twice a year.
  2. I travel for work...nothing more portable than a pair of sneakers...instant workout anywhere I am.
  3. I like to eat...the intake of calories requires some expenditure to stay slim.
  4. I like being slim...vain? Maybe, but I also have low cholesterol and take no prescription meds.
  5. I want to model healthy behavior for my kids...more parents should think about that IMHO.
Why "Barefoot" Run?
  1. It adds a new twist to a required activity that is not as fun as it used to be.
  2. Easier on my joints, ensuring I can continue to run pain free for many years.
  3. I'm hoping taking it slow will help me speed up in the long run.  I've been in a 10 min mile rut for a while...1.5 or 3 miles.  I'd like to be in sight of an 8'30 mile...but, blissfully ignoring the fact that I'm older, I know I can do better.
  4. Taking it slow to work up to a barefoot mile and a half (and then 3 miles) actually cuts my workout time...which I'm good with right now.
  5. Despite my previous set back, barefoot running has refreshed my enthusiasm for running, and I know a 10K (about 6 miles) is in my future.
  6. I don't like my body telling me I can't do something.  I'm not crazed about it, but am deliberately taking it much slower for the sheer satisfaction of telling my body "I told you so" sometime in the future.
Progress Report - 
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24' 42"

And just as a reminder on form...check this out: 
Source Image:  The Peaceful Runner blog

Disclaimer - I know the graphic runs over a bit, but wanted you to be able to read the text!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How's This For Dedication?

OK, it's not really that impressive.  Just a quick update to record the fact that I did condition today.  No soreness, tightness or foot twinges so far, although at this pace, none were expected.  Same drill as yesterday: quarter mile walk, quarter mile run, 1 mile walk.  Stretches before, will do more before I go to bed. One more week of this and then we'll add another quarter mile to my run.  I'm pretty excited about that.

Progress Report - 
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5  miles
Total Time - 24'43"

Saturday, December 1, 2012

One Week? Really???

OK, here I was complaining that I have to go sooooo slow to ensure I gradually work up to a barely decent barefoot run.  And then I let an entire week go by before lacing up my sneakers.  That's bad.  The only defense that I can offer up is that I have been distracted lately, it (or should I say "he") is a good distraction, but not a good excuse.

But today is shaping up to be a good day.  I did my conditioning routine this morning, and while I was on the treadmill, bemoaning the fact that the quarter mile run takes no effort...and it shouldn't.  I started singing.  I stopped watching the distance tick by and starting grooving with VH1.  I sing really well, by the way...with the TV volume waaaaayyyyy up!  In that feel good moment, I decided to start looking at my slow pace in a more positive light.

Coincidentally, when I logged on I read this Barefoot Running University post that sort of reinforced what I was thinking.  Basically Jason says there are two kinds of runners...those who strive to improve and those who are happy where they are.  It's a quick read, so check it out.

In the spirit of a runner who is both trying to improve AND trying to be happy about where I'm at (for the moment) here are some positive thoughts about my very slow, very short running.
  1. I don't have to worry about falling off the me this is huge...
  2. I get to sing along with VH1 and damn I sound good!
  3. I don't break a sweat so I can hug my daughter (who just got into her first choice college!) without offending her.
  4. It gives me plenty of time to add my upper body workout back into my routine.
  5. I will feel amazing the first time I run a 10k in these shoes.
  6. Something is always better than nothing.
So, there you have it...I am exuding positivity right now, hope you can feel that.

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'42"

Image Source: