Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another "No Foot Pain" Day!

Worked from home and was totally barefoot all day.  Was wondering if my right foot twinge would return, which would have been completely demoralizing since I took it so easy yesterday.  Nothing to worry about because I felt great today, not even a hint of the dreaded twinge.  So, I increased my Walk/Run/Walk routine just a bit.  Started with a 1/2 mile warm up walk, 1 mile run, 1/2 mile walk, 1/2 mile run (a little faster), and finished with a 1/2 mile cool down - 3 miles total.

A couple of interesting things today.  First, I must not have put on my Vibram's properly.  My right big toe felt like I was running with the (minimal) padding in the wrong spot.  In fact, that toe still hurts a little now.  Will have to ensure I pay attention to how the toes are positioned before the next run.

Second, after the mile run, my calves REALLY tightened up during the walk.  Makes some sense because I don't walk on the balls of my feet.  I don't have a heavy heel strike, but I definitely hit heel first when walking, like most people (I think).  So instead of stretching, I started the next leg of my run, just to see what would happen.  My calves loved it!  They loosened up within a 1/4 mile and didn't talk to me again, even on the last cool down walk.  One step closer to convincing myself that I would rather be running instead of walking.  When do I get to call myself a runner again? Hmmmm...topic for another post I think.
  • 1 mile - 11'23
  • 0.5 mile - 5'21 (10'42 pace)
Total Mileage - 3 miles

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