Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Progress Report and Pace Calculator

Monday (yesterday) was a Rest Day, primarily because I was socializing, but here's the thing...I wore heels to work today for the first time in a while and NO TWINGE in my right foot!  Curious to see how my stupid foot would feel outside, I hit the paths behind my house.  Stretches first, a 1/2 mile warm up walk, followed by 1.5 miles of very easy running thinking about good form the entire time, and then a 1 mile cool down walk.  It felt great!

No calf issues, just pleasant warmth at the mile point, barely worth mentioning.  No foot pain either AND I passed a very cute Dad pushing a double stroller, not once, but twice during my run.
Image Source:  Momfinds.com

No special significance other than eye candy is always appreciated.  It also didn't hurt that the temp was mid-to-high 60's and the sun was behind the clouds...great running weather.

As a bonus, I learned that the toe strengthening exercises serve a very practical function when you get gravel caught between your toes.  You can continue running and separate your toes enough to have the gravel drop out...I'm serious, try it!
Total Mileage - 3 miles

    Disclaimer - The picture is actually Matthew McConaughey who is better looking than the Dad I saw, but just barely!

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