Yesterday should have been a run day, but I just didn't feel like it. Sometimes that happens and it's OK. After all, I'm not on a Track team and I'm not getting paid to run, so there's no reason to beat myself up about it. Being rigid about a schedule is not a good reason to run. You should know why you're running and that will help keep you motivated. I do it so I can eat ice cream without getting fat (in fact, I'm eating some as I type), so I can stay healthy and strong, and so I can be a good role model for my kids...and so I can eat ice cream, did I mention that already?
Image Source: Running 4 the Reason blog
Progress Report - After two Rest Days (both days in flats), my twingey foot felt pretty good. Even though I worked late today, the weather was nice so I got outside right away. I alternated walking and running for 3 miles (a 1/2 mile at a time), then finished with a 1/2 mile cool down. Why alternating? Just to change it up and see what happens. I have discovered that I walk a 1/2 mile in 10 mins pretty consistently. I discovered I run at a quicker pace when people are around...especially when I have to pass them. I discovered that a little extra effort can take off a good chunk of time. My first 1/2 mile run was slow, the second 1/2 mile was a little faster, and the third 1/2 mile was...exactly the same. Meaning? I may have some speed drills in my future...ugh...
Progress Report - After two Rest Days (both days in flats), my twingey foot felt pretty good. Even though I worked late today, the weather was nice so I got outside right away. I alternated walking and running for 3 miles (a 1/2 mile at a time), then finished with a 1/2 mile cool down. Why alternating? Just to change it up and see what happens. I have discovered that I walk a 1/2 mile in 10 mins pretty consistently. I discovered I run at a quicker pace when people are around...especially when I have to pass them. I discovered that a little extra effort can take off a good chunk of time. My first 1/2 mile run was slow, the second 1/2 mile was a little faster, and the third 1/2 mile was...exactly the same. Meaning? I may have some speed drills in my future...ugh...
- 0.5 mile - 5'44 (11'28 per mile pace)
- 0.5 mile - 5'21 (10'42 per mile pace)
- 0.5 mile - 5'21
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