Friday, June 22, 2012

Quick Update

Wed was a Rest Day, no foot issues still.  Yesterday was a million degrees outside (give or take), so fired up the treadmill and away I went.  I'm not convinced that it's a good work out, the belt propels your feet forward, but in real running, your feet propel your body forward.  I will never be convinced they are comparable.  But the treadmill is a really good time to work on form, so I did just that.

My half mile warm up walk, was followed by a 1.5 mile run and a 1 mile cool down walk. All in all, I have to say a good minimalist running session.  No sore toe spot (I'm pretty sure the toe "pocket" was twisted the other day), no sore foot spot (so very happy about that), and no uneven calf tightness, which was a problem in one or two of my earlier treadmill runs last month.  And most important of all, I didn't go shooting off the back of the treadmill and break myself.  Yup, a good day.  Today is a Rest Day, because...well, it's Friday!

  • 1.5 miles - 15'00 (10'00 pace)
Total Mileage - 3.5 miles

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another "No Foot Pain" Day!

Worked from home and was totally barefoot all day.  Was wondering if my right foot twinge would return, which would have been completely demoralizing since I took it so easy yesterday.  Nothing to worry about because I felt great today, not even a hint of the dreaded twinge.  So, I increased my Walk/Run/Walk routine just a bit.  Started with a 1/2 mile warm up walk, 1 mile run, 1/2 mile walk, 1/2 mile run (a little faster), and finished with a 1/2 mile cool down - 3 miles total.

A couple of interesting things today.  First, I must not have put on my Vibram's properly.  My right big toe felt like I was running with the (minimal) padding in the wrong spot.  In fact, that toe still hurts a little now.  Will have to ensure I pay attention to how the toes are positioned before the next run.

Second, after the mile run, my calves REALLY tightened up during the walk.  Makes some sense because I don't walk on the balls of my feet.  I don't have a heavy heel strike, but I definitely hit heel first when walking, like most people (I think).  So instead of stretching, I started the next leg of my run, just to see what would happen.  My calves loved it!  They loosened up within a 1/4 mile and didn't talk to me again, even on the last cool down walk.  One step closer to convincing myself that I would rather be running instead of walking.  When do I get to call myself a runner again? Hmmmm...topic for another post I think.
  • 1 mile - 11'23
  • 0.5 mile - 5'21 (10'42 pace)
Total Mileage - 3 miles

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pain Free at Last!

Well, at least for tonight.  I didn't quite have the timing down, so my run was cut short by the dark, and consisted of a Walk/Run/Walk for a total of three miles.  Not pushing, just thinking about form and on the alert for the silly foot twinge that never quite seems to go away.  After my long break, I am happy to report there was no sign of the twinge tonight, in fact no sign of tight calves either.  I just ran for a little bit and felt good about it.
  • 0.5 mile - 5'32 (11'04 pace)
  • 0.5 mile - 5'26 (10'52 pace)
Total Mileage - 3 miles


Image Source:  Suite7 Beauty Talk blog

It's a little amusing to write about how you can always find time to work out and then be off your running program for days.  All I can say is it was Graduation Week for my brilliant and talented son.  If cleaning the house for a visit from my Mom and walking around town doing touristy things count as exercise (and they do!), then I got in some exercise almost every day.

Side benefit to really taking some time off is that my right foot feels great.  No sign of the twinge for days now and I'm really looking forward to my next run to see if that is a dead issue.

Bottom Line - Even if life diverts you from your schedule for a week, there's no reason to beat yourself up, just get back into it!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Today Was A Walk Day

There's a lake near my house.  It has a 4.5 mile dirt trail for runners/walkers/bikers, I've even seen horseback riders there.  There is plenty of leafy tree coverage and it is always a few degrees cooler than my neighborhood.

Today I was bringing a non-runner with me, so I knew I would be walking the whole way. The big decision was whether to wear my Vibrams or my traditional running shoes.  I decided to go with running shoes and here's why:

  • So far, my longest walk/run distance is 3.5 miles...adding a mile didn't sound like a gradual increase
  • With the exception of a stretch of gravel, the paths by my house are paved with asphalt
  • The lake trails are dirt and gravel and a rocky/rooty hill at one point
  • That stupid foot twinge (better, but not gone)

I feel like I made the right decision because I was walking.  I decided I won't try to walk/run the lake until I've worked up to 4.5 miles at home.  My friend and I walked (and gabbed) at a brisk pace, so it counted as exercise...but tomorrow is definitely a Run Day!

Total Mileage - 4.5 miles
Disclaimer - Not original artwork...I wish I could draw that well!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Little Time is Better Than No Time

The other day I blew off a Run Day, for no other reason than not feeling like it.  And today I read this post from This Runner's Trials blog.  Jen's not a barefoot runner, but she is dedicated and a Mom and shares her challenges and triumphs in a way that should inspire anyone to start moving.

Jen's post was about the excuse of not having time.  I have used this one throughout my lifetime of sporadic running, and almost every time it was not exactly the truth. There may not be time to do your scheduled or planned work out (mine takes about an hour), but there is usually 10 mins available to do SOMETHING!

Jen's post cites some sources that suggest a minimum of 10 mins is all it takes to say you exercised today.  The fitness industry seems to agree, and a review from Health and Wellness Coach, Wayne John's blog seems to indicate that it's worth it.

Since I don't actually own any of these videos, I could have strapped on my Vibrams and walked Rex that day, or done sit up/push ups in stages (until I reached the 10 min mark), or hula hooped in front of the TV (fun and works your abs), or turned up the radio and danced for 3 or 4 songs!

The possibilities are endless and it rarely matters where you are.  Some of my away from home options:  I have briskly walked the tunnels in airports instead of taking the train, gone up and down the interior stairs at my office, and stretched thoroughly working on my flexibility in my hotel room.  And here's the best part, sometimes you wrap it up in 10 mins, but sometimes just getting started leads to 15 mins or 20 mins or even your originally planned work out.

IT'S JUST 10 MINS!  You know that you can find that much time.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Looking For a Little Motivation?

Check out the article and more videos from Runner's World.

Now get out there and of course!

Mix It Up A Little

Yesterday should have been a run day, but I just didn't feel like it. Sometimes that happens and it's OK.  After all, I'm not on a Track team and I'm not getting paid to run, so there's no reason to beat myself up about it.  Being rigid about a schedule is not a good reason to run.  You should know why you're running and that will help keep you motivated.  I do it so I can eat ice cream without getting fat (in fact, I'm eating some as I type), so I can stay healthy and strong, and so I can be a good role model for my kids...and so I can eat ice cream, did I mention that already?

Image Source:  Running 4 the Reason blog

Progress Report - After two Rest Days (both days in flats), my twingey foot felt pretty good.  Even though I worked late today, the weather was nice so I got outside right away.  I alternated walking and running for 3 miles (a 1/2 mile at a time), then finished with a 1/2 mile cool down.  Why alternating?  Just to change it up and see what happens.  I have discovered that I walk a 1/2 mile in 10 mins pretty consistently.  I discovered I run at a quicker pace when people are around...especially when I have to pass them.  I discovered that a little extra effort can take off a good chunk of time.  My first 1/2 mile run was slow, the second 1/2 mile was a little faster, and the third 1/2 mile was...exactly the same. Meaning?  I may have some speed drills in my future...ugh...
  • 0.5 mile - 5'44 (11'28 per mile pace)
  • 0.5 mile - 5'21 (10'42 per mile pace)
  • 0.5 mile - 5'21
Total Mileage - 3 miles

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy National Running Day!

Image Source: 

Progress Report - Wearing flats today.  Twingey right foot, but not as sore as before. So I'm stubbornly taking that as a good sign...but also taking a Rest Day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Progress Report and Pace Calculator

Monday (yesterday) was a Rest Day, primarily because I was socializing, but here's the thing...I wore heels to work today for the first time in a while and NO TWINGE in my right foot!  Curious to see how my stupid foot would feel outside, I hit the paths behind my house.  Stretches first, a 1/2 mile warm up walk, followed by 1.5 miles of very easy running thinking about good form the entire time, and then a 1 mile cool down walk.  It felt great!

No calf issues, just pleasant warmth at the mile point, barely worth mentioning.  No foot pain either AND I passed a very cute Dad pushing a double stroller, not once, but twice during my run.
Image Source:

No special significance other than eye candy is always appreciated.  It also didn't hurt that the temp was mid-to-high 60's and the sun was behind the clouds...great running weather.

As a bonus, I learned that the toe strengthening exercises serve a very practical function when you get gravel caught between your toes.  You can continue running and separate your toes enough to have the gravel drop out...I'm serious, try it!
Total Mileage - 3 miles

    Disclaimer - The picture is actually Matthew McConaughey who is better looking than the Dad I saw, but just barely!

    Random Tips For New Runners

    Some things to think about...
    • Mind over matter - mentally chop the distance up into chunks and go to that the next get the idea
    • Talk yourself into it - way harder than talking yourself out of running, but way better when you're done
    • Get a great song in your head - a catchy hook on infinite loop because you don't know the rest of the words can be a runner's best friend
    • Run with music if you're in a 100% safe environment - but keep one ear bud out for situational awareness
    • Have healthy snacks available to combat the Hungry Horrors...because they will come throughout the day and long before lunch or dinner!

    In the words of innovative genius, Henry Ford, "If think you can do a thing or if you think you can't do a thing, you're right.  Surely he was a runner...

    Monday, June 4, 2012

    Week 4 Suggested Non-Runner Barefoot Transition Training

    Assuming you haven't had any issues!

    Goals: Strengthen Your Foot and Avoid Too Much Too Soon!!!!

    Day 1 - Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; 5 mins of posture drills; walk; run for about 6 mins; walk.
    Day 2 - Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; one set of 100-Ups; run for about 6 mins; walk; if you feel good add a 2 min run (watch form); walk.
    Day 3 - Stretch hamstrings/shins/calves; REST DAY.
    Day 4 - Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; walk; run for about 6 mins; if you feel good add a 2 min run (watch form); walk.
    Day 5 - Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; one set of 100-Ups; run for about 6 mins; walk; if you feel good add a 2 min run (watch form); walk.
    Day 6 - Stretch hamstrings/shins/calves; REST DAY.
    Day 7 -  Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; one set of 100-Ups; run for about 6 mins; walk; if you feel good add a 2 min run (watch form); walk .

    Technique Videos - Posture drillsstretches100-Ups and toe exercise demos posted on May 8th, 9th, 12th and 24th.

    Rest Day - Take more if you need them, avoid TMTS!!!!

    Sunday, June 3, 2012

    Barefoot Running Injuries

    They happen if you're not gentle enough with your transition.  This article is getting some play in the press.  It cites an increase in barefoot (or minimalist shoe) running injuries, but each of them is tied to TMTS.
    Image Source:  Barefoot Runners Society

    I'm still not sure if I have an injury or not.  I have been wearing flats and spending as much time truly barefoot as possible.  I had a pain free day so I ran...on the treadmill, which we all know is not my favorite.  I think slow, straight and level is still important at this point, will let you know what my foot thinks about that in the morning.

    Progress Report - Three Rest Days.  Doing toe strengthening exercises at random intervals each day.  Today was a total of three miles in motion, which is part of my game plan for working up to the 10k race in Oct.  Stretches, 1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile run which became a 1.5 mile run because everything felt so good.  No tight calves, no sore foot, nothing bad, so I kept going.  Wrapped it all up with a 1 mile cool down walk.
    • 1.5 miles - 16'10 (10'45 per mile)
    Total Mileage - 3 miles

    Disclaimer - Definitely not my legs!