I have been using what I thought was old fashioned, but correct, notation for minutes and seconds on this blog, and pretty much for my entire time-telling life. Just found out I have been completely wrong.
Apparently, there are two situations in which 10'30" is correctly read as "ten minutes and thirty seconds." Specifically:
1) When you are measuring angles, and
2) When you are indicating latitude/longitude (which is technically measuring angles).
The most "famous" use of this notation is not by any mathematician or global explorer, it's by Angelina Jolie as seen below...
Image Source: Glambistro.com
Angelina used the 10'30" style notation to mark the locations of her children's births (or where they entered her life, I've seen it described both ways). So, there you have it - purely positional and nothing to do with time. Who knew?
Well, I'm way too lazy to go back and change all my previous posts, but moving forward I will use the correct notation of 10:30. Proving that you are never too old to learn new things (or unlearn wrong things)!
On a training note, I ran today and had a less than great run because I've been sick. I had to slow down twice (no stops), but I still did it. It clearly impacted my time, but not stopping is more important to my mental training than my speed right now.
Moving right along...and now that song is once again stuck in my head. Still, you have to admit there are worse things!
Moving right along...and now that song is once again stuck in my head. Still, you have to admit there are worse things!
Half Marathon Training Progress Report -
- .25 mile walk
- 3.5 mile run (10:23 pace)
- 1 mile barefoot run
- .25 mile walk
Total Distance - 4 miles
Total Time - 45:37
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