Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to Take Off Your Vibrams

Don't pull by the toes!  Not speaking from experience, but have read on other sites that could lead to tearing.

Image Source:

Here is what works for me.  Unstrap your shoes, slip the heel off, and then from underneath grab the rubber that wraps around the shoe right at the ball of your foot. Thumb on one side and fingers on the other side, then wiggle the shoe off. Taadaaahhhhhh!  Not rocket science, but this will help your Vibrams last longer.

Progress Report - Have been been babying my feet as much as possible for four days now, wearing flats or walking around barefoot.  Also have been doing some of the toe exercises from the Weak Feet? post.

There is definite improvement in my foot, but I still have a tender spot.  Not happy about the delay, but will run tomorrow and see what happens.  Wish me luck!

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