Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas Madness

Another catch up post, but some useful info at the end, I promise!  I have run half a mile three times in the last two weeks.  Not as much as I had hoped, but using the holidays as a very poor, cooking, feasting, running around, blah, blah, blah.

My half mile runs feel the same as my quarter mile runs...ridiculously easy and too short...but will give myself until the end of January...increasing the frequency before I increase the distance again.  No foot issues so far, keeping my fingers crossed!

Progress Report -
  • .25 mile walk
  • .5 mile run
  • .75 mile walk
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 22'51"

Found this Running Technique Tips blog today...this post talks about form and transitioning down from padded running shoes to minimalist shoes.  This graphic shows the need to let your body adjust to using your butt, hip, quad, calf muscles in a different way. "Free" refers to the Nike Free line of minimalist shoes.  The blue indicates the muscles that are engaged, and he's quads feel it when I run my fitness test in regular shoes, but never even get tight in my Brooks PureConnects or Vibram KSOs.

The blogger, Brian Martin is a runner who wrote about his running experience and coaches on technique.  He started on his journey as a regular guy who was trying to run better.  For the transition to minimalist running, he also recommends small easy jogs to condition those muscles to a better way to run.  So, I think I'm on to something...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Friday and Sunday

I ran today and Friday.  Same distance, roughly the same time and nothing too exciting about it.  What is exciting is increasing my run distance for the next session.  Hopefully Tuesday!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Basketball Wives Workout

I got up to work out again this a.m.  Instead of music, I encountered reality TV...  There's so much that could be said about the lack of class, or the playing up of the drama, or the way every single sentence contains choice words.  Who wants to watch the story of grown women who think that threatening to beat each other is a form of conflict resolution?  I have to say, I just found the whole thing sad, and am wondering if this is the modern day equivalent of the gladiator games before the Roman Empire began to die from within....ugh...too early for this.

Image Source:

So, I resolved to stick with the positive thinking and just be thankful for the many, many blessings and gifts I have in my life...Two wonderful, healthy, intelligent, loving teenagers, a relationship with a great guy, my health (no meds/conditions/issues and I'm about to turn 45!), a secure job that I enjoy for the work I do and the people with whom I work.  And...the ability to run or walk or dance or Zumba (I don't, but it looks fun) whenever the mood strikes me.  And I thank God for those gifts every day.

Today's conditioning program was the same as it has been for a couple of weeks now: stretch, walk/run/walk.  My calves were a little tight this a.m., but I attribute that to a day in higher than normal boots, still, I took time with my stretching.

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'43

Disclaimer/Final Thought - I know reality TV is semi-scripted to bring out the worst in people, but what does it say about our society that there are so many reality shows and they have enough viewers to keep them on the air???  Sigh...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Early Morning Workout

I have to say, getting out of a warm, comfy bed to run on a treadmill in a cold basement room, does not rate high on my list of Fun Things To Do. But it was a necessary evil, because I indulged in an alternate workout yesterday.  It's true, I slapped on some boots, pulled my hair back and...went shopping at the Mall.  I know, I know...two weeks before Christmas!  At a Mall!  What was I thinking!?!?  It wasn't quite this crowded, but it was definitely a complete bust as I walked out empty handed.  It took way too long, made me cranky and ate up my planned workout time.

Image Source:  The Gripe blog

Anyway, this morning's conditioning routine was the same. Walk/Run/ notice that I'm not complaining about my treadmill?  Still basking in positivity, which is in part due to the Christmas season, which, despite my Mall Fail, I love.

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'41"

Really excited about next week because I'm increasing the run to half a mile (keeping the over all distance the same)

Disclaimer - Spell check says "positivity" is not a word...but I say it is, or at least it should be!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I Love Saturday Mornings

Nothing on the agenda today...could have stayed in bed all day.  Sadly, that wasn't in the cards, and once I got moving I felt the urge to run.  Yes, I know, I'm not really running yet, but the urge is there and that is a very good thing.

After my conditioning routine, I considered changing my profile picture to one with my new minimalist shoes...but I really would like to get back to the Vibrams, so the profile pic stays as is.

But just to show you, I'm not lying about how ugly (in a cute way?) my shoes I am...

Progress Report -  
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'39 (smoother walk/run transitions, I guess...)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Rare Mid-Day Workout

Was home for lunch today, so decided to get a conditioning run in.  Nothing new, novel or exciting, but a chance to stay on track for a couple more runs this week.  Still basking in the positive attitude of last weekend's workout, I gave some thought to why I'm doing this.

Why Run?
  1. I have to job requires it of me twice a year.
  2. I travel for work...nothing more portable than a pair of sneakers...instant workout anywhere I am.
  3. I like to eat...the intake of calories requires some expenditure to stay slim.
  4. I like being slim...vain? Maybe, but I also have low cholesterol and take no prescription meds.
  5. I want to model healthy behavior for my kids...more parents should think about that IMHO.
Why "Barefoot" Run?
  1. It adds a new twist to a required activity that is not as fun as it used to be.
  2. Easier on my joints, ensuring I can continue to run pain free for many years.
  3. I'm hoping taking it slow will help me speed up in the long run.  I've been in a 10 min mile rut for a while...1.5 or 3 miles.  I'd like to be in sight of an 8'30 mile...but, blissfully ignoring the fact that I'm older, I know I can do better.
  4. Taking it slow to work up to a barefoot mile and a half (and then 3 miles) actually cuts my workout time...which I'm good with right now.
  5. Despite my previous set back, barefoot running has refreshed my enthusiasm for running, and I know a 10K (about 6 miles) is in my future.
  6. I don't like my body telling me I can't do something.  I'm not crazed about it, but am deliberately taking it much slower for the sheer satisfaction of telling my body "I told you so" sometime in the future.
Progress Report - 
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24' 42"

And just as a reminder on form...check this out: 
Source Image:  The Peaceful Runner blog

Disclaimer - I know the graphic runs over a bit, but wanted you to be able to read the text!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How's This For Dedication?

OK, it's not really that impressive.  Just a quick update to record the fact that I did condition today.  No soreness, tightness or foot twinges so far, although at this pace, none were expected.  Same drill as yesterday: quarter mile walk, quarter mile run, 1 mile walk.  Stretches before, will do more before I go to bed. One more week of this and then we'll add another quarter mile to my run.  I'm pretty excited about that.

Progress Report - 
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5  miles
Total Time - 24'43"

Saturday, December 1, 2012

One Week? Really???

OK, here I was complaining that I have to go sooooo slow to ensure I gradually work up to a barely decent barefoot run.  And then I let an entire week go by before lacing up my sneakers.  That's bad.  The only defense that I can offer up is that I have been distracted lately, it (or should I say "he") is a good distraction, but not a good excuse.

But today is shaping up to be a good day.  I did my conditioning routine this morning, and while I was on the treadmill, bemoaning the fact that the quarter mile run takes no effort...and it shouldn't.  I started singing.  I stopped watching the distance tick by and starting grooving with VH1.  I sing really well, by the way...with the TV volume waaaaayyyyy up!  In that feel good moment, I decided to start looking at my slow pace in a more positive light.

Coincidentally, when I logged on I read this Barefoot Running University post that sort of reinforced what I was thinking.  Basically Jason says there are two kinds of runners...those who strive to improve and those who are happy where they are.  It's a quick read, so check it out.

In the spirit of a runner who is both trying to improve AND trying to be happy about where I'm at (for the moment) here are some positive thoughts about my very slow, very short running.
  1. I don't have to worry about falling off the me this is huge...
  2. I get to sing along with VH1 and damn I sound good!
  3. I don't break a sweat so I can hug my daughter (who just got into her first choice college!) without offending her.
  4. It gives me plenty of time to add my upper body workout back into my routine.
  5. I will feel amazing the first time I run a 10k in these shoes.
  6. Something is always better than nothing.
So, there you have it...I am exuding positivity right now, hope you can feel that.

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'42"

Image Source:

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saturday and Sneakers

I have to energy has been over the top for the past few weeks...healthy eating, brisk weather, and new relationship - all a very good combo.  I highly recommend it, but it makes it very hard to keep on a slow training plan. Woke up, put on my sneakers (with socks this time), turned up the music and...walked on the treadmill.  Sigh...

Same routine:  Quarter mile walk; quarter mile run; mile walk.  I picked up the pace on the last walk, but not too much, because I want to avoid striking too hard on my heels.

On a high energy day, knowing full well this is not an actual "work out" it was so hard to restrict my run to the quarter mile...we're talking just a couple of minutes! Ridiculous!  In fact I'm going to stop calling these workouts, I'm going to call this phase "Conditioning" and see if that helps.  I really want to get back to this...

This shows not just the feeling, but the mechanics of a good run.  Check out the woman's upright posture.  She's coming down on her mid-foot and is wearing a much better looking version of the Brooks Pure Connect shoe.  Is it possible to envy a picture?  I definitely do right now, but taking it slow seems to be my mantra these days, and I'll do my best to stick to it.  Wish me luck!

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile 
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk 1 mile
Total Distance - 1.5 miles
Total Time - 24'42"

Thursday, November 22, 2012

First Day With The New Sneakers

Happy Thanksgiving anticipation of the calorie overload that will be the biggest part of this day, I decided to get my new running program started.  Woke up with an abundance of energy, so perfect day for a run.  Until I saw it was only 29-degrees outside.  Sigh...treadmill it is.

Since my last post, I have been doing 100 Ups and Toe exercises at random intervals. This morning I did my doctor-provided achilles and calf stretches and...walked.  A slow quarter mile, then I ran a brisk quarter mile on the balls of my feet...and then I walked for a mile.  Feels so very lame to do it like this, but am determined to go slowly to get this right.  In fact, I'm not going to track my run time at all, just the distance and overall time.  At least until I get to where speed is a consideration...maybe when I work up to a "barefoot" mile and a half.  We'll see.

As for my PureConnects - I ran without socks this time to get a feel for the shoe.  They are both snug and roomy in all the right places, but felt some spots across the top of my foot and on one heel heating up, so will try with thin socks next time.  These sneakers are light and minimally padded, and overall it was a good first experience.

Progress Report -
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .25 mile
  • Walk - 1 mile
Total distance - 1.5 miles
Total time - 27'17 (I wasn't kidding about taking it slowly)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I'm Baaaaaacccccckkkk

Took a longer break than anticipated, but happy to report I have new running shoes, Brooks PureConnects.  They are a hideous neon yellow/green, but they have a flexible sole, minimal padding (4 mm), and a wide enough toe box to feel comfy, but not like my toes are shifting around.

Image Source:

I had my semiannual fitness test on Friday, I haven't run since August, because of the injury primarily, although I had wanted to re-start back in Oct.  My 1.5 mile run was fine, but it was in normal padded running shoes complete with a normal stride that included a heel strike.  I kept thinking the entire run that this was bad for my joints, and resolved to get back to the minimalist running plan.

  • 1.5 miles - 14'37 (9'45 per mile pace)

One of my problems with my last attempt was the dreaded TMTS.  I didn't feel like I was pushing too fast, but I had a targeted a 10k (6.2 miles) race and gave myself 5 months to get there from zero (I was walking 1 - 4.5 miles a couple times a week then).  As the race date got closer, I was less inclined to ease up when I clearly needed to do so.  I do have another fitness test in about 6 months, but because of my injury I haven't been running at all, and have been walking 1 - 2 miles once or twice a week.  So REALLY starting from zero this time.  IF I am up to 1.5 miles by the next test, I'll give it a shot in my Brooks, but if I'm not, will run that in traditional sneakers.  AND, I won't look for another race until I'm up to the 5k mark (3.1 miles) naturally.  See? No pressure, just...dare I say it? Babysteps...

Wish me luck, and please take a moment today to thank the men and women you know who serve, or have served in the military.  Because...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Barefoot Baby Steps Game Plan

Here it is...
  • Find a minimalist sneaker - leaning toward the Brooks Pure line (4mm heel padding, but can remove insole for zero drop)
  • Wait until the end of Sept - that will give me over 7 weeks without running
  • Start running with good form for VERY short periods of time (3 mins max)
  • Continue to be religious about my doctor-recommended stretches and massage of my achilles tendon
  • See what happens after three weeks and maybe increase to 5 mins
  • In time work back "down" to my Vibrams

The following has nothing to do with barefoot running, but I couldn't resist! 
Image Source:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Status Check

No running for about 4 weeks at this point.  I have been faithfully doing my Doc recommended stretches every morning.  I have also been massaging and icing my achilles tendon and heel spur almost every night.  I have been walking wearing running or hiking shoes for each and every walk I have taken and most are only a mile, but I do have one 4.5 mile WALK under my belt recently.

Result?  I feel fine.  The heel pain is gone, no issues when I get out of bed in the mornings. My bruised cuboid bone is still a little tender, but no pain in the metacarpal areas, which is great.  My next appointment is on the 24th, so we'll see what she has to say then.

Image Source:

So why am I so anxious to start running again?  Because I want to prove that I can.  It's that simple.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What About Walking Form in Minimalist Shoes?

I'm convinced that some of my current foot issues have to do with the walking part of my walk/run/walk strategy.  While the Vibrams are designed for you to NOT run on your heels, it's really impossible to walk without a heel strike, especially when you're doing it quickly.  There is essentially no heel padding in Vibrams.  So, the dreaded heel strike that you're trying to avoid by running on the balls of your feet happens every time you walk!

I'm off the running thing per doctor's orders, but on the walking thing, in padded running shoes.  Not excessive and not every day...4.5 miles on Sat (4 days ago) and 1 mile on Mon - walking with Rex the Wonder Dog and my lovely daughter.  But feel that this is a good compromise for now.
Image Source:  Hive Health Media

In his blog, Barefoot Running University, Jason Robillard mentions walking as part of an extreme distance strategy and acknowledges that a heel to toe stride is part of that.  Not to avoid injury, per se, but more to give your poor legs something different to do over the distance.

Not giving up, but will still share what I learn and let you know when I'm giving minimalist running a second (verrrrryyyyy slow) try.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Doctor's Orders

The appointment is done.  The Good News is no breaks or stress fractures.  The Bad News is no running for a while and there's no way I'll make it to my race.

So here's the long version with visual aids:
Image Source: 

Issue #1 - Foot Pain - I was worried about a possible stress fracture in one of the right side metatarsals.  X-ray says "Nope, try again."  My doctor identified the problem as a bone bruise of the cuboid (outer right side or right foot, over my arch).  Apparently striking on the ball of the foot (with minimal padding) causes this bone to pronate or flex in a new direction. Remember these feet have been heel striking in built up running shoes for many, many years.  But this is essentially a case of TMTS....despite the fact that I am only up to 2 miles after 3 months! Recommended Solution - Rest...and padded running shoes {groan}.  Not even being barefoot in the house {double groan}!
Image Source:

Issue #2 - Tight achilles tendons some mornings.  According to my Doc, this is a result of the extra work my calves have been doing.  Recommended Solution - Better stretching, daily.

Issue #3 - PAIN left of center on my heel after the Burke Lake Run/Walk.  This is a developing bone spur, clearly visible on my x-ray.  How did that happen?  Well according to my friend at WebMD "Bone spurs also form in the feet in response to tight ligaments, to activities such as dancing or running that put stress on the feet...", which is essentially what my Doc said, but I couldn't remember exactly.  Recommended Solution - Better stretching, daily massage at the point of the pain and ice afterwards for 10 mins.

So, if I follow my Doctor's orders of no running for a few weeks and incorporate the stretching and massage, I should be able to walk in my cushioned running or hiking shoes.  However, I will bring that walk tempo back down to a more normal (but brisk) walking pace.

Because I can't do NOTHING at all!  Double negative, but you get what I mean.

My Doc is clearly not a fan of Vibrams, but she said "if you're going to do that" to ease back into it and stretch my calves and achilles tendons.  So I will get rid of the pain.  Then I will try to work even more slowly back into running...still in my Vibrams.

Crazy? Maybe...but I've never been defeated by my body before (pun intended), so going to give it another shot.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tomorrow's The Day

For my podiatrist appointment, not my race.  I have been walking only for almost 2 weeks now and feel fine.  Some of that walking involved schlepping my son's stuff up and down stairs as I delivered him (for the first time) to VA Tech, and some of it involved marathon shopping for school clothes and supplies, and some of it involved my treadmill.  The treadmill days resulted in the slight tightening of my heels (but no bottom of the foot pain) in the mornings.  One day the really sore spot on the back of my right heel flared up for no apparent reason.  And my foot twinge (outer right foot) is almost non-existent, but makes itself known if I pivot on that foot.  I actually considered running today, just to see what would happen tomorrow...but, probably not the smartest thing...

Wish me luck!

Disclaimer - Not my toes, but crossed for luck anyway!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Appointment? Check!

Well I did it, I made an appointment with a podiatrist.  Unfortunately it's not until next Friday...a week and a day from today.  What am I supposed to do until then?  I felt good today, but the twinge is there.  After Tuesday's walk I did have some mild tightness in my heels Wednesday morning, but no issues this a.m.  I decided to walk again today.  A little longer than Tues, but still in my running shoes.  I think that's a good thing JUST for walking, but only time (and a foot doctor) will tell.
Image Source: Cayuga Foot Care website

Progress Report -
  • Walk 2.5 miles (38'06)
Total mileage - 2.5 miles

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

To Run or Not To Run...

I feel fine, just a slight shadow of the old twinge in my right foot and no heel troubles.  So, my body is telling me to go for it, right?  Maybe...

I decided to walk, and here's the dramatic part - in my running shoes {gasp!}  I really think running would be foolish at this point, so, I decided to walk for a couple miles instead.  But here's the thing, minimalist Vibrams are designed for running and walking is still a heel strike activity.  Maybe part of my issue is that I don't have enough padding for the walking portion of my run/walk/runs.  Sounds logical, but feels like slacking...

Actually the walk was pretty brisk and my feet felt fine, so this may do for another couple of days.  Still have to make that podiatrist appointment.

Progress Report -
  • Walk - 2 miles in 31 mins

Monday, August 13, 2012

Interesting, But Not in a Good Way

Yesterday (Saturday)  my right heel was bad.  Not the bottom, just the back and off center.  It was "make me walk funny" tight, and the spot itself was very tender to the touch.  However, by dinner time I could walk normally without pain and had no pain at all today, not even in the early a.m.  The right foot twinge is there, but barely and not painful.  No other aches in my arches or calves.

Today was a walking around day (shopping with the kiddos) no issues during or after.  Was tempted to run tonight, but held off.  I don't want to admit quite yet, that I may be off running for a bit, so I'm trying to be good...but I am also still holding out hopes for my race in Oct.

I still do my toe exercises when I'm standing in the house or have my feet propped up, it's odd how the small toes are so dependent on each other to move.  If you haven't noticed that, just try to move any of them one at a time...go ahead, try it!
I may just go for an easy walk tomorrow...that can't be too bad, right?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Getting Old(er) Stinks

I ran outside today, which is great!  I suspect I might have a problem in addition to my foot twinge, which is not great.  The backs of my heels hurt in the morning, but it gets better after I walk for a while.  The actual bottom of my heel doesn't hurt on either foot, and it isn't centered on the back of my heel either.  Well beyond my limited diagnostic expertise, so I think I'll have to make an appointment.

I've never experienced this in traditional running shoes, but some of the reading I've been doing indicates that it may be an issue for new barefoot runners because of all the work the arches are doing.

Despite that, I had a decent run today - No calf pain, the weather was nice, and I felt great aerobically. Walk/Run/Walk as usual, and the heel pain went away during the first run...but as I type's back.  No foot twinge during the run, but it's feeling a little tender now. {Big sigh}

Progress Report
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .75 mile
  • Walk .25
  • Run .5 mile
  • Walk .25 mile
  • Run .5 mile
  • Walk .25
  • Run .25
  • Walk 1 mile
Total mileage - 4 miles (I lost track of the split times, but the whole circuit took 1 hour 1 min and 7 secs)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back in the Game, I Hope

My foot felt reasonably good when I got home, so jumped into my Vibrams and hit the treadmill.  I decreased the run and walk time from my Burke Lake work out.  The intent was to get in some run time and strengthen my feet and arches instead of aggravating the twinge in my right foot.  The run felt good, I did notice the tender spot, but after a half mile or so, didn't really feel it. 

The love-hate relationship with my treadmill continues, but I have to admit it has not thrown me off the end or catapulted me through the that's something, right?   I still feel like I'm cheating myself by not being on the road, so that's my goal for Friday.

Image Source:

Progress Report -
  • Walk 10 mins (.5 mile)
  • Run 15 mins (1.5 miles at 10'00 pace)
  • Walk 20 mins (1 mile)
Total Mileage - 3 miles

Several Rest Days Later

I did not run Tuesday as planned.  Part of it was a hectic schedule....early doctor's appointment, work, trip to the vet, grocery shop, cook dinner, and cleaning up my house which had gotten away from me with recent trip packing frenzies.  But the larger part was...the dreaded foot twinge.  I had deliberately rested because of a new twinge.  That one went away, but my old nemesis, the twinge on the the outside (right) of my right foot was back.

The twinge is not as painful as it has been in the past, it was just "there," and not constantly, but definitely on the radar.  So, what do I do today?  Not sure yet, will wait until I get home to see.  I was happy to read a post by Naomi in her The Tao of Me blog that addressed the issue of whether or not to push with an injury (and whether or not the lack of pushing was just being lazy).  Her physical therapist essentially said, no pushing until you are injury free.

I only have two more months until my 10k, but am not going to get there if I'm injured.  I will let my foot decide what to do tonight.  I sure hope it feels like running....

Thursday, August 2, 2012

This is Not Easy!

But very few things that are worthwhile are easy.  Felt great after Monday's run.  On Tues, Wed and today my calves were tight as drums.  Yesterday I actually cringed before stepping off a curb!

I did expect tightness after the short runs I had done for the last few weeks, but did not foot pain.  Still the right foot, but on my left side, not the right where the twinge had been.  So, holding off on any running workouts and will reassess on Tuesday.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Joys of Jet Lag!

I woke up at 4 a.m. today, feeling oddly refreshed because my body thought it was 10 a.m. (Germany is 6 hours ahead of EST).  I did stay in bed for another hour, because it's just uncivilized to be up before 5:00, especially when you don't have to work!  After that, I enjoyed a healthy breakfast, surfed the web, changed and was at Burke Lake before 8:00. It's a pretty run, one of these days I'll take some pictures and share them.

Image Souces:

I have been putting off running at Burke Lake until I was sure that even with a walk/run I wasn't going to hurt myself.  Today I threw caution to the wind and to paraphrase the Nike commercial I just did it.  The circuit around the lake is about 4.5 miles, and I completed 4.75 miles in 60 mins.

Progress Report -
  • Walk 5 mins (approx. .25 mile)
  • Run 11 mins 
  • Walk 5 mins
  • Run 6 mins 
  • Walk 5 mins
  • Run 6 mins
  • Walk 5 mins
  • Run 6 mins
  • Walk 5 mins
  • Run 1 min (end of the loop)
  • Walk 5 mins
Total mileage - Approx. 4.75 miles

The entire circuit including the walking averaged out to a 12'37 pace.  It's kind of tough to judge distance on my running segments.  I'm sure my first run was faster than average, but I'm also sure my walks stayed about the same as they always do.  Factor out the walking (1.5 miles) and this leaves me with about 3.25 running miles in 30 mins.  If I had maintained that pace for the entire 3.5 miles, my pace would have been about 9'13 per mile.  Much better than the 11 - 12 min pace I've been hitting on my outdoor runs.

Of course, that's not even close to what happened, but it does highlight the value of walking if you need to, clearly my energy stayed up because I used fast paced recovery walks in between the running segments.

No foot or calf pain before, during, or after.  Surprisingly, the big challenge today was walking. I really had to pay attention to avoid falling into heavy heel strikes.  I did this by keeping my knees soft and my steps under my body - instead of long strides reaching out in front of me.

All in all, a great way to start the morning!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Today is Sunday, I have been traveling since Saturday.  It took me about 31 hours hotel to home, definitely not normal for a trip from Germany to VA, but an overnight delay caused by a missed connection will do that.
Image Source: Travel World Online

I have already picked up Rex the Wonder Dog, called my kids (they are visiting my Mom), been grocery shopping, and put my Vibrams on and hit the treadmill for a brisk walk.  Sad, I know.  Especially since I have only done strength workouts since my last running at all!

I simply didn't feel like it after all that travel, but I thought it was important to get into my shoes and do something.   I dreaded the workout I should be doing, but still wanted to be able to post and not feel like a total slug after two days of airports and planes. Mission accomplished (sort of).

Progress Report -  

Total Mileage - 4.5 miles

Monday, July 23, 2012

Another Catch Up Post

Today is Monday.  My last post (Wed) covered the joys of walking for 3 miles in not quite broken in boots and my first truly barefoot run.  You would think I would have learned a little something from that experience...and you would be wrong. 

Thursday I spent the day in my boots (work necessity), but did not walk 3 miles or run (blister on the right sole necessity).  Friday, I spent the day in boots, but that night I went out to a Festival in Herrenberg, very happy to do some minimal walking and wine drinking, but no running.  Saturday it rained most of the day, but I did find a short period where the sun broke through and went for a quick run WITH my Vibrams strapped securely to my feet.  No warm up, and a short cool down walk, because the rain cut my run short.  Sunday was a sightseeing day in Stuttgart, plenty of walking, but no running.

So, we're back to Monday.  Feeling good, blisters gone, wearing my super soft moisture wicking socks with my what do I do?  I go on another 3 mile walk, at a much faster pace!  Surely, my boots are broken in by now...right?  No.  I ended another day with blisters raising on the back of my heels.  This might be a good time to mention I have an above average IQ, but I'm not sure you would believe me.

Monday night, I did some casual walking into the city center of Sindelfingen just to have dinner and walked back.  No run, nothing touching the backs of my heels, and no other work out.  Not sure this Germany thing is good for my running, but other than foot issues, I am actually having fun.

Progress Report 
  • 15'37 run (approx. 1.5 miles)
  • 6'12 walk (approx. .25 mile)
Total Mileage - Approx. 1.75 miles

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ow, Ow, Ow, Ooooowwwww!

I don't even know where to begin.  You know I'm in Germany, but you don't know that I'm doing an Air Force Reserve tour and I wear combat boots to work.  Not normally an issue, as I have been doing that off and on since I was 17.  The problem is my boots are relatively new due to a change in the color mandated by the Air Force a few years ago, they used to be black, now they're sort of green, see...
Image Source:  Air Force Footwear site

Yesterday was a Rest Day, but some of the guys in the office walk during lunch, so I joined them...for 3 miles, in non-broken in boots.  The sore spots that developed on the backs of my heels were just the beginning, it gets better...or should I say "stupider" on my part.

Today was a gorgeous day, perfect for a run outdoors.  But my Vibrams sit right where those sore spots are, which, by the way are now raw after another day in boots.  So, what does a barefoot runner do?  She runs barefoot, of course!  Vibram-free, I hit the German sidewalks outside my hotel completely barefoot for the first time.

Germany is a very clean place, the sidewalks are swept and there isn't much litter, so I knew I wouldn't have to dodge rocks or glass, plus there is a park near my hotel.  I didn't do my normal walking warm up, I just walked out the door and started to run...felt good, very aware of my foot strike for obvious reasons, and I went for about a mile, then I knew I was in trouble.  My feet hurt!  My muscles were fine, but the balls of my feet felt raw...just the balls since my heels did not touch the ground once.  And to top it all off, I had to make it back to the hotel.  The walk took me about 15 mins and despite the smooth asphalt, I think I may have a blister or two in the morning to balance the sore backs of my heels.  Not a shining fact, I may have to re-title this blog "How Not to Barefoot Run"!

Progress Report -
  • Run 10'20 (appox. 1 mile)
  • Walk 15'07 (approx. .75 mile)
Total mileage - approx 1.75 miles

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday's German Blues

Image Source:  Wikipedia

I don't mind traveling, but I do mind rushing through airports and having my flight cancelled, I also mind rushing through airports to be one of the last to board my plane and sitting there for an hour.  I also mind arriving in a foreign country without my luggage.  Yes, it was one of THOSE trips.  The good news is I got here (as did my luggage about 6 hours later).

I left on Saturday, arrived on Sunday and went to work on Monday.  I did get a good night's sleep on Sun, so worked out Monday least I tried to.  If you had asked me, I would have denied being jet lagged, but apparently my body knows better than I do.  It was a low energy run and I had to break it up, not "opted" to break it up, I had to or I just was going to quit.  I imagine almost 24 hrs of travel and less than optimal food choices also added to the sense of not having enough gas in my tank.

The good news is the weather is in the low 70s here and the sun was out, so I ran outside!  The bad news is I had no clue about the area or the distance, so I was reduced to running around the block and switching up based on time.  But the best news is that I got out and did something...

Progress Report -
  • Walk 10 mins (approx. .5 mile)
  • Run 10 mins (approx. 1 mile)
  • Walk 5 mins (approx. .25 mile)
  • Run 7 mins (approx .75 mile)
  • Walk 5 mins (approx. .25 mile)
  • Run 5 mins (approx. .5 mile)
  • Walk 5 mins (approx. .25 mile)
Total mileage about 3.5 miles

Friday, July 13, 2012

Taking My Toes to Germany

Yes, I am! I have no idea whether the minimalist running trend is international, maybe I could be the first person to wear Toe Shoes in Germany, maybe in all of Europe!

This pic of a couple running in London sort of crushes that dream...maybe it hasn't caught on in Germany yet?
Image Source:

I'm going there for work and am planning to be a little more diligent with my running. Wish me luck!

Progress Report - Wed was a short walk/run/walk day, just 1.5 miles of running, Thurs was a night out and Friday was a walk on the treadmill day - 4 miles.  Sat will be frantic packing (yes, I should be doing that right now) and flying.
  • 1.5 miles - 15'00 (10'00 min pace)
Total Mileage - varied

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

TMTS...Now What?

In my mind, I have been taking a fairly conservative approach to minimalist running, but a nagging foot twinge (I refuse to call it an injury) that didn't stop until I took a full week of rest from running, might argue against that belief.  

So, obviously you can't trust my advice.  Reviewing the many sites that discuss minimalist or barefoot running injuries and assuming that you haven't seriously injured yourself, the advice from Vibram's My Five Fingers site is this,  
"So if you push it too hard anyway, keep limber afterward. Don’t over-stretch damaged muscles; just keep moving. When you’re training muscles with strenuous loading, you’re actually tearing muscle fibers that you body then has to mend with scar tissue. Stretching muscles that are torn up just makes those repairs harder and slower. But keeping some gentle movement going will help flush blood into the muscles and help flush lactic acid out."

This seems to be the general school of thought for most muscular, for future aches and non-serious pains, my game plan is to not run or stretch through the pain, but to simply walk it out.

Of course, if you think you've overdone it, please consult with your sports medicine doctor.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Flat Feet is No Excuse

I don't have this issue, but know several people who do. So looking around, I found this Invisible Shoes blog post to share.  It's a couple years old, but the discussion is great for anyone (with or without flat feet) who is considering minimalist running.  

If you've read some of my previous posts, there isn't anything really new, but the comments after the post are very interesting.  Two flat footed people claim that barefoot running led to the "creation" or improvement of arches.  Scanning the blogosphere, there are some other anecdotal claims of the same phenomenon, but no actual study that I can find.  

This 2012 post on Dr. Gangemi's blog indicates that arches can be strengthened if the patient has "flexible flat feet" which apparently is the most common type (not caused by specific injury).  He is a chiropractor, not a podiatrist, but in the section titled "Natural Prevention and Treatment of Flat Feet" this doctor says "...running while barefoot is the ultimate way to naturally and most effectively strengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the lower leg and foot."  From my non-medical perspective, this makes sense, because babies start out with flat feet and develop arches when they start walking.

Image Source: 

So, if you're not trying minimalist running because you have flat feet, you may be missing out on exactly what the doctor ordered!

Progress Report - Another day over 100-degrees here in VA, so after two Rest Days, today was another treadmill run.  Starting to worry a bit, because I haven't done any "real" running in a few weeks.  My warm up was the usual 1/2 mile, followed by a 2 mile run and a 1 mile cool down.  No issues, twinges, or weirdness, except for a moment when I though I was going to fall as I leaned right to see who was calling....maybe they make some sort of seat belt for these things...

  • 2 miles - 20'00 (10'00 pace)
Total Mileage - 3.5 miles

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Yes, I'm still here and I'm still running!  These last ten days have been interesting, incredibly busy, fun, nostalgic (my son is leaving for college all too soon), stormy and flippin' hot!

I have been doing various Run/Walk/Run combos (rarely back to back) - anywhere from .5 mile to 2 mile runs for total distances of anywhere from 3 to 4 miles.  The bad news is it has been all treadmill.  The great news is that my feet don't mind at all.  No returning twinge!  My calves don't mind either.  Although from time to time that tendon that goes down the back of my heel to my foot has been weirdly tight in the mornings, but normal walking around takes care of it.

Distance wise, I'm not where I planned to be at this point in the game.  I should be doing a solid 2.5 miles for the main run.  I'm still a little gun shy about adding distance, so have just kept it comfortable. I have about 12 weeks until my 10k, so I should be fine.

Progress Report Today's run was another treadmill run. The warm up was .5 miles, followed by 1.5 mile run, .5 walk, .5 run, .5 walk.  Since I was on the treadmill, my pace was steady (#6 on my NordicTrack) at a 10 min mile.  Nothing unusual to report, which is a good thing.
  • 1.5 miles - 15'00 mins (10'00 min pace)
  • .5 mile - 5'00 mins (same pace)
Total Mileage - 3.5 miles

P.S.  I don't think I've made this clear before, but I do other things besides run!  Light weight training, hula hooping (don't laugh!), stairs, and I just started a push up/sit up challenge following the example of Monica, a local VA woman on Facebook.  You can find her at  Like her page and you'll get motivation and inspiration in return.  Sorry, no free gifts, but really what is better than motivation to get your butt in gear???

P.P.S.  Happy Independence Day!  

Friday, June 22, 2012

Quick Update

Wed was a Rest Day, no foot issues still.  Yesterday was a million degrees outside (give or take), so fired up the treadmill and away I went.  I'm not convinced that it's a good work out, the belt propels your feet forward, but in real running, your feet propel your body forward.  I will never be convinced they are comparable.  But the treadmill is a really good time to work on form, so I did just that.

My half mile warm up walk, was followed by a 1.5 mile run and a 1 mile cool down walk. All in all, I have to say a good minimalist running session.  No sore toe spot (I'm pretty sure the toe "pocket" was twisted the other day), no sore foot spot (so very happy about that), and no uneven calf tightness, which was a problem in one or two of my earlier treadmill runs last month.  And most important of all, I didn't go shooting off the back of the treadmill and break myself.  Yup, a good day.  Today is a Rest Day, because...well, it's Friday!

  • 1.5 miles - 15'00 (10'00 pace)
Total Mileage - 3.5 miles

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another "No Foot Pain" Day!

Worked from home and was totally barefoot all day.  Was wondering if my right foot twinge would return, which would have been completely demoralizing since I took it so easy yesterday.  Nothing to worry about because I felt great today, not even a hint of the dreaded twinge.  So, I increased my Walk/Run/Walk routine just a bit.  Started with a 1/2 mile warm up walk, 1 mile run, 1/2 mile walk, 1/2 mile run (a little faster), and finished with a 1/2 mile cool down - 3 miles total.

A couple of interesting things today.  First, I must not have put on my Vibram's properly.  My right big toe felt like I was running with the (minimal) padding in the wrong spot.  In fact, that toe still hurts a little now.  Will have to ensure I pay attention to how the toes are positioned before the next run.

Second, after the mile run, my calves REALLY tightened up during the walk.  Makes some sense because I don't walk on the balls of my feet.  I don't have a heavy heel strike, but I definitely hit heel first when walking, like most people (I think).  So instead of stretching, I started the next leg of my run, just to see what would happen.  My calves loved it!  They loosened up within a 1/4 mile and didn't talk to me again, even on the last cool down walk.  One step closer to convincing myself that I would rather be running instead of walking.  When do I get to call myself a runner again? Hmmmm...topic for another post I think.
  • 1 mile - 11'23
  • 0.5 mile - 5'21 (10'42 pace)
Total Mileage - 3 miles

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pain Free at Last!

Well, at least for tonight.  I didn't quite have the timing down, so my run was cut short by the dark, and consisted of a Walk/Run/Walk for a total of three miles.  Not pushing, just thinking about form and on the alert for the silly foot twinge that never quite seems to go away.  After my long break, I am happy to report there was no sign of the twinge tonight, in fact no sign of tight calves either.  I just ran for a little bit and felt good about it.
  • 0.5 mile - 5'32 (11'04 pace)
  • 0.5 mile - 5'26 (10'52 pace)
Total Mileage - 3 miles


Image Source:  Suite7 Beauty Talk blog

It's a little amusing to write about how you can always find time to work out and then be off your running program for days.  All I can say is it was Graduation Week for my brilliant and talented son.  If cleaning the house for a visit from my Mom and walking around town doing touristy things count as exercise (and they do!), then I got in some exercise almost every day.

Side benefit to really taking some time off is that my right foot feels great.  No sign of the twinge for days now and I'm really looking forward to my next run to see if that is a dead issue.

Bottom Line - Even if life diverts you from your schedule for a week, there's no reason to beat yourself up, just get back into it!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Today Was A Walk Day

There's a lake near my house.  It has a 4.5 mile dirt trail for runners/walkers/bikers, I've even seen horseback riders there.  There is plenty of leafy tree coverage and it is always a few degrees cooler than my neighborhood.

Today I was bringing a non-runner with me, so I knew I would be walking the whole way. The big decision was whether to wear my Vibrams or my traditional running shoes.  I decided to go with running shoes and here's why:

  • So far, my longest walk/run distance is 3.5 miles...adding a mile didn't sound like a gradual increase
  • With the exception of a stretch of gravel, the paths by my house are paved with asphalt
  • The lake trails are dirt and gravel and a rocky/rooty hill at one point
  • That stupid foot twinge (better, but not gone)

I feel like I made the right decision because I was walking.  I decided I won't try to walk/run the lake until I've worked up to 4.5 miles at home.  My friend and I walked (and gabbed) at a brisk pace, so it counted as exercise...but tomorrow is definitely a Run Day!

Total Mileage - 4.5 miles
Disclaimer - Not original artwork...I wish I could draw that well!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Little Time is Better Than No Time

The other day I blew off a Run Day, for no other reason than not feeling like it.  And today I read this post from This Runner's Trials blog.  Jen's not a barefoot runner, but she is dedicated and a Mom and shares her challenges and triumphs in a way that should inspire anyone to start moving.

Jen's post was about the excuse of not having time.  I have used this one throughout my lifetime of sporadic running, and almost every time it was not exactly the truth. There may not be time to do your scheduled or planned work out (mine takes about an hour), but there is usually 10 mins available to do SOMETHING!

Jen's post cites some sources that suggest a minimum of 10 mins is all it takes to say you exercised today.  The fitness industry seems to agree, and a review from Health and Wellness Coach, Wayne John's blog seems to indicate that it's worth it.

Since I don't actually own any of these videos, I could have strapped on my Vibrams and walked Rex that day, or done sit up/push ups in stages (until I reached the 10 min mark), or hula hooped in front of the TV (fun and works your abs), or turned up the radio and danced for 3 or 4 songs!

The possibilities are endless and it rarely matters where you are.  Some of my away from home options:  I have briskly walked the tunnels in airports instead of taking the train, gone up and down the interior stairs at my office, and stretched thoroughly working on my flexibility in my hotel room.  And here's the best part, sometimes you wrap it up in 10 mins, but sometimes just getting started leads to 15 mins or 20 mins or even your originally planned work out.

IT'S JUST 10 MINS!  You know that you can find that much time.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Looking For a Little Motivation?

Check out the article and more videos from Runner's World.

Now get out there and of course!

Mix It Up A Little

Yesterday should have been a run day, but I just didn't feel like it. Sometimes that happens and it's OK.  After all, I'm not on a Track team and I'm not getting paid to run, so there's no reason to beat myself up about it.  Being rigid about a schedule is not a good reason to run.  You should know why you're running and that will help keep you motivated.  I do it so I can eat ice cream without getting fat (in fact, I'm eating some as I type), so I can stay healthy and strong, and so I can be a good role model for my kids...and so I can eat ice cream, did I mention that already?

Image Source:  Running 4 the Reason blog

Progress Report - After two Rest Days (both days in flats), my twingey foot felt pretty good.  Even though I worked late today, the weather was nice so I got outside right away.  I alternated walking and running for 3 miles (a 1/2 mile at a time), then finished with a 1/2 mile cool down.  Why alternating?  Just to change it up and see what happens.  I have discovered that I walk a 1/2 mile in 10 mins pretty consistently.  I discovered I run at a quicker pace when people are around...especially when I have to pass them.  I discovered that a little extra effort can take off a good chunk of time.  My first 1/2 mile run was slow, the second 1/2 mile was a little faster, and the third 1/2 mile was...exactly the same. Meaning?  I may have some speed drills in my future...ugh...
  • 0.5 mile - 5'44 (11'28 per mile pace)
  • 0.5 mile - 5'21 (10'42 per mile pace)
  • 0.5 mile - 5'21
Total Mileage - 3 miles

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy National Running Day!

Image Source: 

Progress Report - Wearing flats today.  Twingey right foot, but not as sore as before. So I'm stubbornly taking that as a good sign...but also taking a Rest Day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Progress Report and Pace Calculator

Monday (yesterday) was a Rest Day, primarily because I was socializing, but here's the thing...I wore heels to work today for the first time in a while and NO TWINGE in my right foot!  Curious to see how my stupid foot would feel outside, I hit the paths behind my house.  Stretches first, a 1/2 mile warm up walk, followed by 1.5 miles of very easy running thinking about good form the entire time, and then a 1 mile cool down walk.  It felt great!

No calf issues, just pleasant warmth at the mile point, barely worth mentioning.  No foot pain either AND I passed a very cute Dad pushing a double stroller, not once, but twice during my run.
Image Source:

No special significance other than eye candy is always appreciated.  It also didn't hurt that the temp was mid-to-high 60's and the sun was behind the clouds...great running weather.

As a bonus, I learned that the toe strengthening exercises serve a very practical function when you get gravel caught between your toes.  You can continue running and separate your toes enough to have the gravel drop out...I'm serious, try it!
Total Mileage - 3 miles

    Disclaimer - The picture is actually Matthew McConaughey who is better looking than the Dad I saw, but just barely!

    Random Tips For New Runners

    Some things to think about...
    • Mind over matter - mentally chop the distance up into chunks and go to that the next get the idea
    • Talk yourself into it - way harder than talking yourself out of running, but way better when you're done
    • Get a great song in your head - a catchy hook on infinite loop because you don't know the rest of the words can be a runner's best friend
    • Run with music if you're in a 100% safe environment - but keep one ear bud out for situational awareness
    • Have healthy snacks available to combat the Hungry Horrors...because they will come throughout the day and long before lunch or dinner!

    In the words of innovative genius, Henry Ford, "If think you can do a thing or if you think you can't do a thing, you're right.  Surely he was a runner...

    Monday, June 4, 2012

    Week 4 Suggested Non-Runner Barefoot Transition Training

    Assuming you haven't had any issues!

    Goals: Strengthen Your Foot and Avoid Too Much Too Soon!!!!

    Day 1 - Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; 5 mins of posture drills; walk; run for about 6 mins; walk.
    Day 2 - Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; one set of 100-Ups; run for about 6 mins; walk; if you feel good add a 2 min run (watch form); walk.
    Day 3 - Stretch hamstrings/shins/calves; REST DAY.
    Day 4 - Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; walk; run for about 6 mins; if you feel good add a 2 min run (watch form); walk.
    Day 5 - Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; one set of 100-Ups; run for about 6 mins; walk; if you feel good add a 2 min run (watch form); walk.
    Day 6 - Stretch hamstrings/shins/calves; REST DAY.
    Day 7 -  Stretch - hamstrings/shins/calves/quads/toes; one set of 100-Ups; run for about 6 mins; walk; if you feel good add a 2 min run (watch form); walk .

    Technique Videos - Posture drillsstretches100-Ups and toe exercise demos posted on May 8th, 9th, 12th and 24th.

    Rest Day - Take more if you need them, avoid TMTS!!!!

    Sunday, June 3, 2012

    Barefoot Running Injuries

    They happen if you're not gentle enough with your transition.  This article is getting some play in the press.  It cites an increase in barefoot (or minimalist shoe) running injuries, but each of them is tied to TMTS.
    Image Source:  Barefoot Runners Society

    I'm still not sure if I have an injury or not.  I have been wearing flats and spending as much time truly barefoot as possible.  I had a pain free day so I ran...on the treadmill, which we all know is not my favorite.  I think slow, straight and level is still important at this point, will let you know what my foot thinks about that in the morning.

    Progress Report - Three Rest Days.  Doing toe strengthening exercises at random intervals each day.  Today was a total of three miles in motion, which is part of my game plan for working up to the 10k race in Oct.  Stretches, 1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile run which became a 1.5 mile run because everything felt so good.  No tight calves, no sore foot, nothing bad, so I kept going.  Wrapped it all up with a 1 mile cool down walk.
    • 1.5 miles - 16'10 (10'45 per mile)
    Total Mileage - 3 miles

    Disclaimer - Definitely not my legs!

    Wednesday, May 30, 2012

    My Fitness Test is Today?!?!?

    Actually I found out about the test around 11:00 last night, mostly my fault...but that's a different topic.  So, I'm dealing with a foot twinge issue and I have to run longer than I have run so far in my toe shoes.  I did know my Fitness Test was coming up, but thought it was two days from now.  A couple of weeks ago I was considering making the test my first 1.5 mile barefoot run, but not after taking almost a week off to baby my foot.  Nothing to do but strap on my Nikes and hit the road.

    The first thing I noticed was the walking in my sneakers felt like walking with pillows strapped to my feet...comfy.  The second thing I noticed was that my right foot didn't twinge when running, I'm sure it's because I wasn't on the balls of my feet.  I had settled in for a "done this a thousand times" run, and didn't monkey around with my foot strike at all.

    No calf issues, but my hamstrings got a little tight and my shins complained later this afternoon.  Could they be protesting the "unnatural" running style?  Or could my body just be reminding me that I'm not 23 anymore?  Could easily be both!

    Progress Report - All in all a slow run with no issues.  I did keep to my training regimen of stretching and three miles in motion.  Finished my run, walked the course again, and ran the last few minutes on the balls of my feet.  I felt the sore spot that time, but it didn't hurt.  We shall see what tomorrow brings.
    • 1.5 miles - 14'57 (about 10 mins per mile in traditional running shoes with heel strike)
    • less than .5 miles - 3'46 (same shoes, midfoot strike)
    Total Mileage - 3 miles